Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Got Wheat?

For the past few days I have been driving by fields of wheat.  Some taller, some shorter, all golden in the summertime heat.   The edges of the field were sharp, neat  and crisp. 

Some wheat was taller than the rest.  Interspersed all through out the field in small little clumps. 

It looked like wheat, same shape, same color but it wasn't wheat...   it was tares.  Taller than the true wheat, stretching up to catch the sun and take what it needs away from the wheat. 

False wheat.  Trying to make its mark, stand out, take over, be better.  

Many folks here are not wheat, they are tares.  Living only for this world and what they can get here and now. Not concerned about the harvest at all.

Matthew 13: 36-43 says what will happen to them when the Master Gardener returns to earth.

Are you a tare or wheat?

God's word says the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.   The field is full of tares.  Lets help them become genuine wheat before they get burned in the fire. 

Got wheat?