Psalm 36: 5,7 Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies...How priceless is your unfailing love!
God's love reaches to the heavens. How many of us box God's love in? How many of us only let it out when we need it?
There are some of us who never know it at all. Never even open the box to see what His love looks like.
There are some of us who only let His love out of the box at Christmas and Easter when we remember what He did for us and then only allow it out when there is an emergency and we need Him more than ever.
There are some of us who let His love out on Sunday mornings when we worship and maybe on Wednesday nights at prayer meeting each week but come home and put the box back on the shelf and go our own way all week long after that.
There are some of us who let it shine in our lives wherever we go fighting against closing Him up in the box. We are amazed at how He works in our lives and the amazing things He does through His love and it makes us sad to see others who never experience this amazing love all the time.
Go outside one clear night and really look at the sky. Don't be distracted by stuff going on around you or worried about someone next door thinking you are a kook because you are out staring at the stars.
The universe is IMMENSE! I can't even begin to imagine how large it is in my mind.
Psalm 36: 5,7 Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies... How priceless is your unfailing love!
His LOVE is immense like the heavens you are looking up at! How can we wreck things by boxing that up? How much do we miss out on when we do? My heart breaks for all that I have missed. My heart breaks for all that you have missed.
He loves us so so much. Unfailingly!