Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Sawdust I am

Living water added to me

Clay for the Potter

Shaped by His hand

Not a puppet on strings but

A vessel I become

To pour out His greatness

To give Him glory and honor

Part of His plan

Time marches on

Little by little

I disintegrate for Him

And return to a pile of sawdust


Blown by the Holy Spirit

Borne away to the splendor of my Eternal Home

I will be

Reformed and perfect forever

Tracy Whipple ©2011


  1. I really like this, Tracy. Very nicely done.

  2. Thanks Alden! You know it is weird how inspiration hits. This came to me while sitting in Bible Study on Tues. morning and I wrote most of it on the bottom of my notes page!
    God is so cool!
