Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Window of Opportunity

Spring has been springing here in Kansas for most of the Winter it seems.  One of the things I know I always enjoy is when it gets really nice and warm and breezy, opening the windows and letting out all the musty, dusty, staleness of being closed in all winter.  I love sitting by the window with the sunshine washing in and feeling the freshness of the breeze blowing across me.  It is so refreshing.

On Sunday, Pastor Joe, talked about prayer.  He mentioned how it is like opening a window of our soul in invitation to God for meeting.

So when I open this window, if I think of the metaphor,   I am inviting God in His Holy Spirit to blow into my soul and push out all the musty, dusty, staleness, and sinfulness I have accumulated.  I am sitting there basking in the warmth of God's marvelous light snug in its embrace as He holds me and warms my soul encouraging me as I walk in this world of darkness.  If I sit there too and open His word, I let the sprinkling of Living Water rain on me like the unexpected Spring shower that blows in my window. 

Then I am thinking why do I have to only open the window sometimes?

                           Paul in First Thessalonians 5:17 talks about praying without ceasing. 

So I can, if I choose to,  throw ALL the windows of my soul open wide and let Him blow through me meeting with me in a freshness I have never experienced.  Basking in His light, love and warmth.

                                                              WITHOUT CEASING 

    That is what He desires for us to do.  But He won't make us open the windows.  He wants us to be willing to open the windows and invite Him to meet with us. 

Take the window of opportunity and start with one window and let Him freshen you and go from there.
                                              You just have to open it and invite Him in

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